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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Scott Walker's Obamacare Replacement Plan Is Popular With Republicans--


Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker stitched together a series of popular conservative health care ideas in his newly unveiled Obamacare replacement plan on Tuesday, seeking to fulfill a goal that has eluded congressional Republicans for more than five years.

"On my very first day as president, I will send legislation to the Congress that will once and for all repeal Obamacare entirely and replace it in a way that puts patients and their families back in charge of their health care decisions," the Wisconsin governor said in a speech at a machine parts company near Minneapolis.

If Walker's rhetoric is familiar, so are his policies. His "Day One Patient Freedom Plan" aims to fulfill a longstanding Republican goal by returning to the pre-Affordable Care Act status quo of 2010, when the current national uninsured rate of 9.2 percent was higher than 16 percent.