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IPFS News Link • Entertainment: Television (TV)

Dave Chappelle Makes Comeback To Inspire Artists To Become Activists


While it is very rare for celebrities to speak out against the establishment, if this does happen then they are vilified in the media and will face many obstacles in their career as a result of their dissent. One of the most successful celebrities in the past few years to take a stand was Dave Chappelle.

His years in the entertainment industry had shown him the corruption that exists behind the scenes and how entertainers are used as pawns to advance the agenda of the ruling class.

When leaving his show and turning down a 20 million dollar deal he said, "I was doing sketches that were funny but socially irresponsible. I felt I was deliberately being encouraged and I was overwhelmed" and "I felt in a lot of instances I was deliberately being put through stress because when you're a guy who generates money, people have a vested interest in controlling you."

I cannot speak for Chappelle, but from an outsiders perspective it seems that he came to realize that the ideas that are put forth through the mainstream media are intended to make the population more disorderly, materialistic and obedient. It is possible that he began to see these kinds of degrading ideas in the scripts that he was getting from comedy central and wanted no parts in it, regardless of how much money they were offering him.