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IPFS News Link • Science, Medicine and Technology

Disturbing: Planned Parenthood Director Caught On Tape 'Selling Aborted Baby Parts'


Discretion Advised: This breaking news is office safe, but should not be viewed around small children for the topic is very sensitive.

Earlier today, an undercover video recorded by the non-profit organization Center for Medical Progress revealed the Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, of the Planned Parenthood Federation discussing the selling of aborted fetal parts.

As you can see in the video (above), Dr. Nucatola casually has lunch with actors posing as interested buyers of the discarded parts of babies who have been aborted. The senior staffer notes how abortion procedures are proceeded with carefully to ensure that requested body parts can be collected.

Nucatola states:

"We've been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I'm not gonna crush that part, I'm gonna basically crush below, I'm gonna crush above, and I'm gonna see if I can get it all intact."

If you're not ready to barf yet, read on

The irresponsible director goes into detail describing how Planned Parenthood abortionists move the reborn child into a breech delivery position so that the body can be preserved. According to LiveActionNews, the account is an almost exact medical description of partial-birth abortions which are illegal in the US. 

