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IPFS News Link • Police State

5 Reasons Law Enforcement in America Creates Fear and Resentment Instead of "Safety"


Dear Cop,

A growing number of people distrust you, resent you, fear you, even hate you. Some even wish you harm, and would be glad if they heard you had been killed. Now, you can tell yourself that it's only nasty criminal scum who would ever think that way. You can concoct in your head all sorts of excuses for why so many people now view you as the primary threat to peace, freedom and security. Or you can take the advice of Sun Tzu, and "know your enemy."

If you want to know why those "anti-police" folk think what they think, I can tell you. Because I am one of them. I have little to no respect for those who wear uniforms and badges. I expect police to be power-happy, dangerous, irrational and immoral. This was not always the case. I once viewed police as brave and righteous protectors and defenders. I had F.O.P. and Sheriff's Department stickers on my car. I was a proud and vocal advocate of "justice, law and order." (Only later did I realize that "law" is usually the arch enemy of both justice and order.) If you want to know why I no longer trust or respect those who wear uniforms and badges, here are the five main reasons:

Reason #1: "Just Following Orders"

"Enforcing the law" is not automatically legitimate or moral. The most vicious tyrannies in history (under Mao, Stalin, Hitler, etc.) legalized their oppressions, which were then committed "law enforcers."