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Breaking: Solar Impulse 2 lands in Kalaeloa, HI


In an enormous victory for solar energy, Solar Impulse 2 successfully landed in Kalaeloa, Hawaii at 11:54 EST, bringing it one enormous leg closer to circumnavigating the globe. It did this without using a drop of fuel, and is the first plane of its kind to accomplish such a feat.

This leg in particular is of major importance for several reasons. First, it was the most dangerous by far, and second, it signified that the plane is over halfway done. At this stage—leg 8 of 13—Solar Impulse 2 has now traveled nearly 12,000 miles (~19,000 km) out of the estimated 21,000-mile (35,000 km) flight, a historic achievement in its own right.

Record-breaking and challenging

But this leg has been one of the most concerning so far. The pilot, Swiss André Borschberg, had to travel over 5,100 miles (around 8,200 km) completely alone. 17,000 photovoltaic cells drive the plane, with lithium-ion batteries storing away extra energy so it can fly continuously, even at night. But Borschberg was only allowed 20-minute sleep periods, despite the length of the stage—which was the longest leg so far by over five times.

Besides the length, the Pacific leg is the most dangerous: turbulent winds, capricious weather, and possible mechanical malfunctions were all looming threats. This means the biggest hurdle is already accomplished for the global circumnavigation.


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