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Greek Negotiations Now "Moving Backwards" As Confusion Reigns In Brussels - Live Updates


Then, on Tuesday evening, the IMF apparently decided to read the terms of the "deal" and Christine Lagarde did not like what she saw.

A few hours later, we were back to square one and Greek PM Alexis Tsipras was calling the IMF's stance "weird" although in reality, the Fund was simply reiterating what it's been saying since May, when Lagarde lost patience with the situation following Athens' move to make a €750 million payment out of its SDR reserves.

Following meetings with EU officials and then with Lagarde and ECB chief Mario Draghi on Wednesday evening, Tsipras is back at it on Thursday, in a frantic attempt to win over EU finance chiefs (who are collectively losing their will to keep Greece in the currency bloc) and the IMF as the EU summit kicks off in Brussels. Here's Bloomberg summing up:

As the pressure grew, Tsipras met with International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker after concluding hours of discussions Wednesday that yielded no breakthrough. Euro-area finance chiefs are also in Brussels trying to find a way to broker an agreement that will satisfy all sides ahead of a two-day summit of European Union leaders that begins later Thursday.

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