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IPFS News Link • Art

Robert De Niro's art school graduation speech: 'Yeah you're f--ked'


While some parents were undoubtedly clutching their pearls at the profanity, the majority of the audience (and even the professors standing behind the original Raging Bull) roared their approval of the blunt comment.

De Niro wasn't trying to be harsh, just painfully honest in his address to the crowd of aspiring actors, dancers, writers, directors, photographers, and filmmakers. He pointed out that the nursing graduates "all have jobs," the business graduates "are covered," and the law students they're employed, "And if they're not who cares? They're lawyers," said De Niro, with perfect comedic timing.

While De Niro admired the graduates of the accounting school, he knew the artists didn't have a choice when it came to their career paths. "You discovered a talent, developed an ambition, and recognized your passion," he said. "When you feel that you can't fight it, you just go for it. When it comes to the arts, passion should always trump common sense."

"Yeah you're f--ked," De Niro added. "The good news is, that's not a bad place to start."

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