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IPFS News Link • Gold and Silver

Why Is JP Morgan Accumulating The Biggest Stockpile Of Physical Silver In History?

•, Michael Snyder

Since early 2012, JP Morgan's stockpile has grown from less than 5 millionounces of physical silver to more than 55 million ounces of physical silver.  Clearly, someone over at JP Morgan is convinced that physical silver is a great investment.  But in recent times, the price of silver has actually fallen quite a bit.  As I write this, it is sitting at the ridiculously low price of $15.66 an ounce.  So up to this point, JP Morgan's investment in silver has definitely not paid off.  But it will pay off in a big way if we will soon be entering a time of great financial turmoil.

During a time of crisis, investors tend to flood into physical gold and silver.  And as I mentioned just recently, JPMorgan Chase chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon recently stated that "there will be another crisis" in a letter to shareholders…

Some things never change — there will be another crisis, and its impact will be felt by the financial market.