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IPFS News Link • Science, Medicine and Technology

Why Are American Doctors Killing Themselves In Record Numbers?


Recent reports have indicated that doctors in America are killing themselves in record numbers, and also suffer from drug and alcohol abuse at a rate significantly higher than your average person. Many people will write this off as a result of long hours or the stress of the job, but it is also possible that many of these doctors are experiencing severe guilt for participating in a medical industry that actually does very little to help people.

Many people will write this off as a result of long hours or the stress of the job, but it is also possible that many of these doctors are experiencing severe guilt for participating in a medical industry that actually does very little to help people.

According to a recent report from Dr. Pamela Wible, over 400 doctors kill themselves every year and many more show severe signs of depression. This report reconfirms information that was brought to light in 2005 when a study found that male doctors killed themselves at a rate 70% higher than the average professional, with female doctors ranging from 250% to 400% higher than the average professional.

This report reconfirms information that was brought to light in 2005 when a study found that male doctors killed themselves at a rate 70% higher than the average professional, with female doctors ranging from 250% to 400% higher than the average professional.

Doctors also suffer from substance abuse at a rate much higher than the average person. According to government statistics, roughly 9% of Americans suffer from alcoholism while about 10%-15% of doctors have a problem with alcohol.

Many doctors get involved with the medical health industry with good intentions, and with hopes of being able to help people. Unfortunately, after they sink thousands of dollars and years of their lives into schooling, they become doctors and learn that although they may help people every now and then, they spend most of their days peddling big pharma drugs that don't actually help people. Doctors are often riddled with debt, and also face threats of malpractice lawsuits over things that are general industry problems.
