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IPFS News Link • Religion: Non-Believers - Atheists

Chapter 1: The Lesson


Most Protestants believe it is the eighth commandment. I am in this camp.

I am in the Eighth Commandment camp, but not because this is what most Protestants have always taught. I am in this camp for a very specific reason: I believe that the five points in the biblical covenant model are sequential. I believe that the third point has to do with boundaries, which include moral and legal boundaries. I wrote a four-volume commentary on the economics of the Book of Leviticus. Leviticus is the third book in the Pentateuch. I titled it, Boundaries and Dominion.

I realize this sequence was not understood prior to about 1954, with the publication of George Mendenhall's essay on Hittite suzerainty treaties. But once I understood this, after I read Sutton's book, That You May Prosper (1987), I recognized the five-point structure with respect to the second set of five Commandments. The third commandment, "thou shalt not steal," has to do with boundary violations.