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IPFS News Link • Criminal Justice System

To Crush a Cop-Watcher: Prosecutorial Abuse in Ada County, Idaho

•, By William Norman Grigg

Her subsequent performance, and that of her colleagues, may be sufficient to earn a criminal contempt charge.

Townsend, who is active in the Cop Watch (or police accountability)  movement,was arrested without cause on February 2nd in Meridian, Idaho for the supposed offense of walking away from a cop who wouldn't charge him with an actual crime. On the eve of his hearing he protested that mistreatment in a Facebook post promising a "shame campaign" against his kidnapper, Officer Richard Brockbank of the Meridian Police Department – and any public officials who collaborated in that outrage.

The Meridian PD wanted to prosecute Townsend for felonious "intimidation of a state witness," a charge without merit that summarily convicts Officer Brockbank of cowardice. The intent was to have Townsend arrested before or during the March 19th hearing on his "resist and obstruct" charge.
