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IPFS News Link • Israel

Up to 30,000 Fill the Streets of Tel Aviv in Anti-Netanyahu Rally


Only a few days after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu returned from his much publicized United States trip, during which he was celebrated and drooled over by America's top warmongers, a large protest against him erupted in the nation's section largest city, Tel Aviv.

Just like any other country, Israel is dealing with plenty of very important domestics issues, and people are publicly questioning whether Netanyahu's obsession with militancy, and his shameless political stunt in from of the U.S. Congress just weeks before elections back home, make his leadership questionable. Indeed, considering the remarkable lack of judgement evidenced by him back in 2002 (see: Benjamin Netanyahu in 2002 – "If You Take Out Saddam, I Guarantee, It Will Have Enormous Positive Reverberations on the Region"), one should wonder why anyone listens to him at all.

It appears "Bibi" is far more popular with crazy American neocons than he is with his own fellow citizens. From Haaretz:
