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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Jim Webb – The Alternative?


If you're sick of our foreign policy of perpetual war and yet have an instinctive disdain for all things Republican, you have an alternative to Rand Paul in 2016 – Jim Webb.

Yes, I know we're all supposed to believe Hillary Clinton has the Democratic nomination locked up. Yet we were told that in 2008, too, until an obscure Senator named Barack Obama shot that Washington-generated bit of political wisdom down in flames. How did he do it? I would argue that, contrary to those DC know-it-alls who claim voters don't care about foreign policy, it was her refusal to recant her support for the Iraq war that did her in – and there's a good chance that scenario may be repeated in 2016. The reason is because Jim Webb, a former US Senator and Defense Department official (during the Reagan administration), has been an acerbic and well-informed critic of the War Party for quite some time, and he shows every sign of throwing his hat in the ring.