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IPFS News Link • Philosophy: Libertarianism

this Weekend on - Sat. Dec. 20th 2014


Weekend Edition, December 20-21, 2014

No Need for Immigration

American bosses will hire workers in foreign lands through Skype and digital English, says Gary North.

The Menace of Egalitarianism

Murray Rothbard on the real threat from the left.

Putin Is Right

Gerald Celente on the US-EU subversion of Russia.

To the State, We're Economic Slaves

Nothing more, says Martin Armstrong.

What's the Big Deal?

Big Brother is just looking out for you, right? Article by Scott Lazarowitz.

Report Police Abuse Without Fear

Steven Silverman on protecting your right to record cop crimes.

The Delirium Phase

Central bankers are now uncorking it, says David Stockman.

2015: a Downhill Run for the Dollar?

John Williams of ShadowStats debunks the myth of economic recovery.

Santa Bomb Is Coming to Town

Will it be a repeat of the Great New England Blizzard of 1978? Article by Anthony Watts.

Shake Your Bottle of Champagne

Slap it, too, before you open it.

Could You Survive a Blizzard?

In your vehicle. Article by Lisa Bedford.

Alcohol as Medicine?

It's a natural antibiotic, but choose vodka, never beer.