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IPFS News Link • Philosophy: Libertarianism

This Weekend on - 2014-12-13


Weekend Edition, December 13-14, 2014

Should the Torture Lobby Be Tortured?

Of course not, but the officials responsible must pay, says Eric Margolis.

Anti-Boyism on Campus

Bill Anderson on the progressive hate campaign of phony rape charges.

Decentralizing the Failed American Republic

Paul Rosenberg on Jefferson's forgotten plan.

Eric Garner Was 100% Innocent Under Libertarian Law

Unlike Michael Brown. Article by Ilana Mercer.

A Liberal Tells the Truth

Pat Buchanan on Jonathan Gruber.

Left-Wing Harvard Prof Attacks Chinese Restaurant Owner

For the commie crime of "overcharging." Article by Ryan McMaken.

Dear Plundering Monster

David Stockman writes the Citibank CEO.

Treasury Orders Survival Kits for Bank Examiners

Anyone expecting a crisis? Article by Martin Armstrong.

Did You Dream of Owning a Trans-Am?

Until the government killed Pontiac. Article by Eric Peters.

Spare Dollars Held Overseas

Alasdair Macleod on the possible horrors ahead.

Can You Watch This Optical Illusion?

It's the most powerful hallucinatory trick yet.

1 Mineral for Everything?

It decreases all-cause mortality.

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