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IPFS News Link • Voting and Elections

Yes, those in charge are indeed aware they rule due to a minority, not a majority


It has long been a point critics of the political game here in America have tried to highlight;...that only about half of people bother voting at all (in a good year), and only slightly more than half of those end up "winning". Therefore, only 25% or less of America determines how the rest of the nation shall live.

That is a fact which many believers in the status quo of American politics find uncomfortable having pointed out and which the pretty much always refuse to discuss, because it destroys that which all government supremecists crave and need above all else;...legitimacy.

And so it was interesting to hear Obama allude to this ratio in his speech after the election results this week, wherein he said;

"...for the 1/3 of the country who voted, I hear you and the 2/3 of those who did not vote, I also hear you."

Interestingly enough, on the subject of "legitimacy", he also kept rolling, and had this claim to make;...

"I'm the guy who is elected by everybody and not just from a particular state or a particular district,"

Hmmmmmm, very kingly of him.