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IPFS News Link • Afghanistan

The Fourth British Defeat in Afghanistan

•, By Eric Margolis

Well has Afghanistan earned its title, "Graveyard of Empires."

To be more precise, this honor belongs to Afghanistan's Pashtun (or Pathan) mountain tribes, who bend their knees for no man and take pride in war.

In my book, "War at the Top of the World," I called Pashtun "the bravest men on earth." Later, I would add the fierce Chechen to that illustrious fraternity.

The old imperialists are gone, but the occupation of Afghanistan continues. The new regime in Kabul just installed by Washington to replaceuncooperative former ally Hamid Karzai, rushed to sign an "agreement" allowing the United States to keep some 10,000 soldiers in Afghanistan for years. This garrison will be exempt from all Afghan laws.
