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IPFS News Link • Climate Change

Global Warming Activists Flood Wall Street - Michael Premo Interview

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There's a new wave of demonstrators marching on Wall Street. Instead of protesting the economy, these activists are looking to send a different message. The hashtag used to be Occupy Wall Street. Now it's Flood Wall Street. Several hundred people stood their ground near the Wall Street Bull, blocking off the street. Police sprayed pepper spray into the crowds to break up some of the crowd. All told, some estimates indicate as many as 400 THOUSAND people showed up to voice their concerns for climate change. One of the organizers for the campaign put in a lot of work. He was also involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement a few years ago. He's a journalist and artist from Brooklyn. He's Michael Premo. Today, he's joining us to talk about all of the swirling issues surrounding climate change.