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IPFS News Link • Justice and Judges

Court Ends Private Property Rights: All Water To Be Controlled By Government


(Stephen Frank)  Democrat Senator Fran Pavley has a bill that would give the State the responsibility of "managing" all groundwater. That means the water projects and the groundwater will be controlled by government—which will pick the winners and loser. Government will decide if you can use your private property—water—to grow your crops or be forced at the barrel of a gun give your water to your neighbor that paid nothing for the well you dug and now he will use. Want to collapse agriculture in this State literally overnight, give control of water to government.

Now a court may have decided the issue—against the free market, against private property and is ordering a county to take over control of water in its domain. This is like watching a car crash in slow motion—you see it but feel helpless to stop it.

"Sacramento Superior Court Judge Allen Sumner just issued a preliminary ruling that Siskiyou County must regulate groundwater well permits along the Scott River in accordance with "Public Trust Doctrine." This means the water now mainly used by hay farmers also will have to be divided among commercial sports fishing, kayaking, Indian Tribes and tourist-hotel interests."