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IPFS News Link • Technology: Software

The Most Hyped Digital Currency Since Bitcoin Has Officially Launched

•, Rob Wile

As of 10 a.m. Wednesday, investors had already bought $2.6 million worth.

We're living in a time when an app that just says Yo is worth $10 million, so this shouldn't be too surprising.

But the digital currency world has been anticipating the first ether sale for more than a year and regards Ethereum's creator, Vitalik Buterin, as potentially the most important person in cryptocurrency since Satoshi Nakamoto. 

The goal of Ethereum is to decentralize everything using blockchain technology. We talked a few months ago about what the futuristic version of this could look like. It's similar to the internet of things, having all your machines talking to one another so that you can have driverless taxis figuring what to charge you based on how much traffic there is and how fast you need to get where you're going.
