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IPFS News Link • Transportation

Self-balancing Jyrobike teaches you to ride a bike in a single day

That's because a team of geniuses from Philadelphia have come up with a training bike that's just as good at keeping itself upright as a Segway. It's called the Jyrobike, and how it works is deceptively simple.

If you already know how to ride a bike, you know that the faster it's going the more stable you are in your seat. That's due to your bike's built up gyroscopic force. By fitting a motor-driven flywheel inside the Jyrobike's front wheel, even a slow-moving Jyrobike can be made as stable as a quick one.

As you get better at riding it, you can adjust the bike's amount of gyroscopic balance down, from a max of 1,550 revolutions per minute to none at all. The result is an easily adjustable learning aid that the Jyrobike's creators claim will allows kids to learn how to ride in as little as a single afternoon. Once you no longer need its help, you can remove the Jyrobike's flywheel for a 60 percent reduction in the bike's weight.