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IPFS News Link • Transportation

125-mile range electric bike is more than just an around town ride

•, Colin Druce-McFadden
 While the Johammer J1 won't do much for you in the chrome and noise department, it just might give you pause when judging electric motorcycles too harshly.

The chief problem with electric motorcycles is that they don't have the space for the number of batteries that give Telsa it's awesome 400-mile range. With traditional motorcycles running circles around cars when it comes to fuel efficiency, that the same can't be said for their electric cousins can be a hard pill to swallow. Thankfully, the new Johammer J1 tips the scales a bit more in the electric bike's favor with a 125-mile range, which is nearly as good as some gas bikes.

With a super-sleek look that transplants its gauges into the rear-view mirrors and a silent ride, the Johammer J1 just might be the ideal way to take a relaxing ride into the countryside. That ride will cost you a bit more than the electricity in the tank though, with J1 models ranging from $31,860 to $34,630 for that 125-mile range option. It's a tall order, but if you've always dreamed of riding along on a giant, silently screaming, snail, then there really isn't ever going to be a more ideal bike for you.
