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IPFS News Link • Transportation

Lawmakers Accused Of Trying To 'Sneak' A Bill Through To 'Kill' Tesla In New York

•, Hunter Walker
"Imagine if the state Legislature tried to ban the sale of iPods and other Apple Products from Apple Stores. Ridiculous, right? Well in Albany, where anything is possible, a handful of politicians trying to curry favor with the powerful auto dealers' lobby are advancing a bill that would ban direct sales of automobiles by manufacturers in New York," Bystryn wrote. "Adding insult to injury, while most lawmakers are working feverishly this week to get an on-time budget passed by the March 31 deadline, these cronies of car dealerships are trying to sneak this bill past clean-energy advocates."
The bill Bystryn is referring to was sponsored by Democratic Assemblyman David Gantt and is described as dealing with "automobile manufacturers and unfair practices by franchisors." It would ban automakers from selling cars directly to consumers without using franchise dealers. Tesla, which employs a direct sales model, has faced similar bans in other states including New Jersey where the electric car company accused Gov. Chris Christie of making a "backroom deal" with the auto dealers' lobby after the state Motor Vehicle Commission approved a measure prohibiting direct sales on March 11.