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IPFS News Link • Transportation: Air Travel

Image of the Day: In-flight Zeppelin repair

•, Evan Ackerman
Giant balloons that you can ride in. How is that not just the greatest idea ever? Zee Germans thought so, at least, and back in 1934, they sent the 776-foot-long LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin on a little jaunt across the Atlantic from Europe to Rio. It was not entirely smooth sailing, and some in-flight repairs were required, which involved some dudes going up on top of the zeppelin, climbing down its sides on ropes, and fixing stuff.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Anon Commenter
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I've got a BETTER image of the day:

This is cool.  Felix Baumgartner jumps from over 24 miles up, to Earth (in HD):

