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Google Glass too expensive? Half-price Epson version coming soon

•, Michael Trei
The Moverio BT-200 improves on the old BT-100 with a less clunky design, but it still can't match the Google's product's sleekness. One of the biggest problems is that the Moverio connects to a smartphone-like controller with a wire, whereas Google Glass connects wirelessly to your phone to run the MyGlass control app. That's not such a big issue when you consider that Epson doesn't expect Moverio users will be walking around town like geeky hipsters. Instead, they see the BT-200 primarily as an augmented reality headset for gamers sitting on a chair in their bedrooms at home.
Unlike Glass which puts the image in the periphery of your vision, the BT-200 can fill your field of view like a giant TV with a virtual screen that appears about four feet in front of you. It also features dual cameras, which allows it to project a 3D image. Built-in Motion sensors mean that the image can be manipulated to follow your direction of view just like the Oculus Rift headset, which should add a lot of realism to first-person shooter type games.

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