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Google IS quietly recording your voice... here is how to switch the feature off


Google saves the audio recordings from web and app activity, along with verbal interactions with Search, Assistant and Maps, which it uses 'to develop and improve its audio recognition technologies.'

However, A tech expert recently shared a 'cheat code' that he claimed will stop Google from recording your smartphone activity. 

Users need to manage their Google account and unselect options in 'Data and Privacy,' which a digital expert has claimed will block the tech company from accessing your microphone and camera.

Tech entrepreneur Jeffrey Castillo posted a video on Instagram, explaining that users can  turn off this function by going to the Google app and clicking on 'Manage your Google account.'

From there, select the 'Data and Privacy' tab and scroll down to 'History setting' and select the 'Web and App activity' section, which you'll see has a blue checkmark.

Once you click in and scroll down, you should notice that the voice and audio activity setting has a blue checkmark- uncheck that to put a stop to Google listening in. 

The way Google continues to pick up on conversations is a verbal version of a search engine, and each time it receives a 'Hey Google' command, it's creates the same effect as opening a browser window.

'When this voice and audio activity setting is off, audio recordings from voice interactions with Google Search, Assistant, and Maps won't be saved to your Google Account on Google servers, even if you're signed in,' Google has shared.

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