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IPFS News Link • Government

Sooner or Later, the People Will Accept Secession and Decentralization

•, By Scott Lazarowitz
 I just want you to understand what it is we are up against when our federal government and its employees have a lot of power over us.

And then, perhaps too often my own emotions of fear and anxiety associated with the police state affect the way I express myself. Oh, well.

Now, it’s one thing that the NSA criminally intercepts your new computer or laptop from the online store warehouse to your home, in order to criminally install surveillance spying devices (and they may in fact be making illicit use of pre-installed technologies, and in some cases a manufacturer may be actively involved in aiding and abetting the NSA’s “security” racket although they deny such involvement).

But it’s another thing when U.S. Customs lummoxes go and destroy a virtuoso flutist’s hand-made musical instruments.

Is nothing sacred?

The buffoons mistakenly thought the instruments were banned “agricultural items.”

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

The people have not really had a great amount of "centralization." Look at all the freedoms that we have in multitudes of ways. We can even select the color of the socks we are going to wear today... most of the time.

Under-the-table has been going on for a long time. Wait until people add Bitcoin style encryption to everything in life. Wait until they apply mesh Internet to all communications and activity. If the NSA can bypass air-gap in your computer, we all can start using the power grid for Internet communications... for free. All we need is a tiny innovative invention to do it.

It will only take a little thinking in a slightly different direction. I mean, the technology and ability to make Bitcoin was around since the mid '90s. The problem was, nobody thought in that direction enough to do it. Now, all we need is a little change in thinking about some small aspect of technology that we already have, and we will have free power grid Internet across the nation.

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