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IPFS News Link • Biology, Botany and Zoology

5 Beneficial Bugs that Could Help Your Organic Garden Grow

•, by Christina Sarich
 The thing is, not all bugs are pests. Some of them are really beneficial, and they keep nature’s ecosystem humming. We’ve been nuking ‘pests’ with glyphosate and other herbicides or pesticides to the tune of 200 million pounds annually on our yards, parks, and farms for the last decade or so, but we’ve killed off ‘good’ or beneficial bugs in the process, while also creating superbugs that can no longer be tamed.

Once you get all the synthetic, poisonous crud out of your garden, farm, or lawn, then the balance of nature can give you an impeccable lawn or a garden your friends will drool over. Even larger farms can benefit from allowing beneficial bugs to be part of their overall ecosystem.

Also, planting a few things that beneficial bugs like to dine on, and offering them as ‘sacrificial’ plants can also create a whole host of good bugs that will eat ‘bad’ bugs and not the rest of your crops. Planting dill, fennel or Queen Anne’s Lace, for example, will not only give you some great herbs and gorgeous flowers, but also attract beneficial bugs.

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