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IPFS News Link • Iran

Iran threatens brutal attacks on Americans, Obama family if US hits Syria

• The Daily Caller
.... And in an unprecedented statement, a former Iranian official has warned of mass abductions and brutal killings of American citizens around the world and the rape and killing of one of Obama’s daughters should the United States attack Syria....
[Read also the Wall Street Journal's,  Iran Plots Revenge, U.S. Says]

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

A question might go something like this.

How many loyal Americans are there, who are gentle Christian people, and who would NEVER be on the side of Islam or Middle East countries, who are now finding themselves at least slightly sympathetic with words like these, and with Iranian leaders, against the Obama regime, simply because of what appears to be unwarranted and illegal hostilities and aggression done by Obama against Middle East nations?

Certainly if Middle East countries and country leaders are hostile toward their own people, will they not be just as hostile against America and Americans? Perhaps they really are or would have been in the process of preparing for war against America, even if Bush and Obama had not attacked first. (Note that the oil keeps on flowing. The Internet global root-server in Iran is still working. 9/11 was at least partially an inside job.)

However, it is America who has done the formal attacking. And America has done it first. And in view of all the injustices coming to light, about how American governments inside of America are treating Americans unjustly, wouldn't it be NOT SURPRISING to find that some good CHRISTIAN Americans are gradually sympathizing more and more with Middle East Islamic leaders?

The real question is, has this been the plan all along? I mean, what if the Obama administration has been attempting to create sympathy among Americans for Middle East countries. Would he not then have real reason to call Americans terrorists and treat them as such?

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:
Attack" href="">Diplomacy By Rape: Prominent Iranian Warns That Daughter’s Of American Officials Will Be Kidnapped And Raped In Retaliation For Syrian Attack