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IPFS News Link • Camera Fraud

Corruption Hits Red Light Camera Company Bottom Line

• The Newspaper
Redflex Traffic Systems announced on Wednesday that its after-tax profit had plunged 51.6 percent over the past twelve months. The Australian firm continues to reel from revelations that top company management set up a $2 million scheme to bribe the Chicago, Illinois official responsible for the camera contract. 

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Stupid Amerkin
Entered on:

An $18 million loss in ticketing income? How about an $18 million extortion racketeering enterprise income?

The Department of Transportation along with the trucking and insurance industry is the biggest racketeering operation to ever exist that has extorted and robbed the sheeple in the multi billions over the past 4 generations.

Wake up and do the research. This is a proven fact.