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IPFS News Link • Animals and Pets

I Met The World's Smartest Dog

•, By Dan Nosowitz
 "Chaser, this is Dan. Chaser! This is Dan," said Deb Pilley, a classical musician who goes by the name Pilley Bianchi professionally and signs her emails as "Pill." Pill is the daughter of John Pilley, a former professor of psychology, who owns Chaser, an average-sized border collie mostly the color of cookies-and-cream ice cream, but with a black patch just to the left of her left eye. Standing in the entryway of Pill's apartment, Chaser looked up at me with round amber eyes. "Hi there," I said, and stuck my hand out for Chaser to smell. She did, briefly, then glanced at Pill, then turned around and ran upstairs to Pill's apartment. The introduction was not dissimilar from a lot of introductions I've had at parties, except this time, I was meeting a dog.

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