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IPFS News Link • Media: Internet

The fall of the daily paper: Mainstream media loses readers, ad revenues as internet takes over

 The reasons for print journalism's downfall are clear, if not easily accepted among the industry's stalwart defenders: The mainstream media is no longer "mainstream."

Run by editors and publishers with extreme biases, Americans in the digital age have had enough of the agendas, lies and omissions. They have tossed aside the daily print and turned instead to the internet for the lion's share of the news they digest. This is verifiable; traditional print's falling circulation figures and advertising dollars tell the truth very clearly.

But also, as Natural News has proven, the internet is home to niche publications, where Americans who are shopping for a particular kind of news product can find exactly what it is they are looking for.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Is the Internet showing signs of doing the same thing as mainstream media? What I mean is, when the crooks realized that fighting Government wasn't working, they moved into Government, and now use Government to do the exact things that Government was built to prevent. It took a long time. They did it using lies. Will the Internet be able to keep the truth flowing? Or will it be converted to an even worse form of media than mainstream media?

For example,, the place where this article is found, did a piece on MMS a couple weeks ago. Miracle Mineral Solution is touted by Jim Humble and thousands of others as a cure for all kinds of maladies. But it is rejected by mainstrream media, and the FDA, of course. Yet if you look at the article in Wikipedia, the "main" online encyclopedia, you find that they are against MMS as well.

MMS users and believers say one thing. Wikipedia says the opposite. Who do you believe?

The point is, Wikipedia is popular. Yet they can be written into by almost anyone, either people who tell the truth, or those that don't. The crooks behind mainstream media and the Government are stealing into the Internet in subtle, behind-the-scenes ways. And this example is only one of the ways.

A second point is, people like to hear what they like to hear... truth or not. If you listen to people hard enough, you can tell what they like to hear. Then all you have to do to become popular is formulate your message to match what the people like to hear. If you are shrewd enough about it, you can make the people believe all kinds of lies - if that's what they like to hear - without even realizing that what they like is lies.

Comment by Buck Chaldwin
Entered on:

Some countries in Europe (e.g. Austria) are subsidizing magazines by offering doctors free subscriptions so patients can read them in the waiting room. Needless to say, several new magazines have been created -all filled with the same B.S.- and doctors are drowining in stacks of magazines noone reads.

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