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IPFS News Link • Inventions

NapAnywhere: A flat-out new take on the neck pillow

•, By Dave LeClair

We've all been there. You sit down for a long flight, and you just can't seem to get your head to stay upright so you can get a few hours of sleep to pass the time. The fact is, airplane seats aren't built for comfortable sleeping. A new product called NapAnywhere is designed to rectify the situation by supporting your head and allowing you to sleep comfortably, even while sitting straight up.

 If you've ever been to an airport, you've probably seen some neck pillows designed to help support your head while you slumber. According to its creator Ravi Shamaiengar, these were his inspiration for the NapAnywhere. "Like many, I would use a U-shaped neck pillow. Unfortunately, the support I needed just wasn't there," he said. So, he sought to design one that actually had the support he desired.
