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These Crazy Guns Shoot Pewter, Plastic, and Paper Mache

  It’s a sad truth, but it’s the truth nonetheless. Give that kid one of James Shaw’s homemade weapons, though, and instead of dead zombies and night terrors, you might wind up with an end table.

Shaw hacked together the trio of decidedly non-lethal firearms for his final project at the Royal College of Art, in London. One specializes in plastic, blasting out clumped spaghetti strands like the Play-Doh factory toys of yore. The resulting multicolor towers look a little bit like a mountain of soft serve trying to transform into a monster from a Guillermo Del Toro movie. Feed it a glass tabletop, and it’s ready for the living room. Shaw’s paper mache rifle is a two-handed affair, giving any object in its path a thick, bumpy coat of pulp. Rounding out the collection is a pewter-drizzling, submachine gun-style contraption, perfect if you’ve ever wanted to play as a “drip castle” in Monopoly.