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IPFS News Link • Conspiracies


• Lew Rockwell blog

After reading Jacob G. Hornberger's brilliant article, "JFK and the Deferentials," watch this classic eight minute YouTube clip of JFK Assassination researcher John Judge from the "JFK: Cinema as History" conference (January 1992) which appeared on C-SPAN. It reveals more about "the why" of the November 22, 1963 assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and the coup d'état following his murder than almost anything you have probably heard. 

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by TL Winslow
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Yes, JFK is the mother of all conspiracy theories, and the one that's got the best chance of being right. It's never too late to scope JFK the power way with the Historyscoper's free JFKscope, the most concentrated overview of all the facts and leads.


Comment by TL Winslow
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