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IPFS News Link • Internet

Vine Captures Playful Side of Turkish Unrest

 Vine, a relatively new tool for sharing breaking news, has been filled with posts showing mostly peaceful demonstrations that look almost playful — as much a function of Vine's six-second video format as the activities filmed by users.

Searching for the hashtag "occupygezi" reveals a fast-growing trove of protest-related Vines. Aside from the hand-painted political signs in the background, the scenes look more like a festival than an uprising. Kids smile and wave at the camera in succession. A yoga class performs a one-legged pose at Taksim Gezi Park, the site where police first used force against a sit-in protesting the government's plans to turn the park into a shopping mall. There's even a little stop-motion animation featuring the top hashtags associated with the protests, such as direngezi and occupygezi, signing off with "Bu basari Halkin!" — Success of the people! (As translated by Google.)