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IPFS News Link • Whistleblowers

Whistleblower Ellsberg to SF Pride: Manning Should be Lauded as "Hero That He Is"

•, Lauren McCauley
 Speaking before the San Francisco Pride Board Tuesday evening, noted whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg told the group that Bradley Manning should be "lauded as the hero that he is," throwing in their face the Board's earlier assertion that to support Manning would be a "mistake" and an "insult," following the gay rights group's u-turn on a decision to name Manning an honorary Grand Marshal at the city's June Pride Parade.
Outside in the building's lobby, elevator doors slammed in the faces of over 100 other Manning supporters, blocking those who had come to the public meeting to speak on behalf of the imprisoned Army whistleblower.

The meeting was reportedly called to accept "public comment" on the Bradley manning controversy. Ellsberg, who had famously leaked the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times during the Vietnam War, was among the few who did make it in.
