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IPFS News Link • Military

Source: Israeli Airstrike on Syria Coordinated With Al-Qaeda Militants

• Paul Watson via

Israel’s airstrike on Syria was timed to precede an Al-Qaeda-led rebel offensive against President Bashar Al-Assad’s forces according to Egyptian and Jordanian intelligence sources, underscoring once again how jihadists are doing the dirty work of the very powers they claim to oppose.

“Israel’s air strike in Syria today was coordinated with Turkey, which in turn coordinated rebel attacks throughout Syria timed to coincide with the Israeli strike,” sources told WABC host and New York Times bestselling author Aaron Klein.

Although the Syrian rebels were not given advance knowledge of the Israeli attack, they were specifically told when to launch new offensives in order to take advantage of the airstrike, which according to reports killed at least 100 Syrian Army troops.

“Almost the moment the Israel Air Force departed was the moment the rebel advance began,” the Egyptian intelligence source told Klein.

In the weeks preceding the airstrike, the Syrian Army had scored notable victories against FSA rebels, taking back central areas of Homs just days before the attack. But the Israeli offensive greased the skids for militants to use, “access roads to advance toward Damascus,” where they launched, “heavy clashes with Syrian military forces throughout the country,” including in “northeast Rankous in Damascus; Daraya city in the Damascus countryside; and also in the villages of Homs, al-Alqamieh, Tunaibeh and Menneg in the Aleppo countryside.”

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Comment by J E Andreasen
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Dem sneaky Jooooz.