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IPFS News Link • Science, Medicine and Technology

Functional three-dimensional human liver tissue created with 3D bio-printer

•, By Ben Coxworth
 The device incorporates two print heads – one for placing human cells, and the other for placing a hydrogel, scaffold, or support matrix. At the time, the hope was that the printer could someday be used to create organs for transplant purposes. This week, Organovo announced that it has succeeded in using the device to create three-dimensional functioning human livers – albeit tiny ones.
For some time now, it’s been possible to create 2D samples of human liver tissue. These are one or at most two cell layers thick, and used for research purposes.
According to Organovo’s Chief Technology Officer Dr. Sharon Presnell, however, the new 3D tissues offer distinct advantages. “First, the tissues are not a monolayer of cells; our tissues are approximately 20 cell layers thick,” she said.