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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Anthony Weiner considering a political comeback in New York

• The

Anthony Weiner, the former US congressman forced to resign after tweeting lewd photos of himself to women, said Wednesday that he’s considering a political comeback with a run for mayor in New York.

Weiner was once seen as a frontrunner to replace billionaire Michael Bloomberg in November elections to the Big Apple’s City Hall.

However, the Democrat’s hard-charging political career in the US House of Representatives imploded in 2011 with the X-rated Twitter scandal.

Now he tells The New York Times he could get back into politics and that he has commissioned a poll to know if New Yorkers would give him another chance.

“I don’t have this burning, overriding desire to go out and run for office,” he said. “But I do recognize, to some degree, it’s now or maybe never for me, in terms of running for something.”