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IPFS News Link • Techno Gadgets

This Magical Electricity-Creating Fabric Will Soon Be Everywhere

•, Robert Ferris
 Carroll's research group at Wake Forest University developed a flexible fabric that makes electricity from heat or movement. It could revolutionize cheap, renewable energy.

Thermoelectrics are not exactly new, but usually made of materials that are brittle, heavy, and expensive.

Carroll's fabric, on the other hand, is lightweight, feels like wool felt, and can be wrapped around surfaces or even sewn into clothing.

While energy can't be "created" this fabric can essentially pull electricity out of thin air, from heat and movement.

The fabric Carroll's group has can turn heat — from your body, the sun, anywhere — into usable electricity.

And unlike anything ever before, it can simultaneously collect power from vibrations or movement — letting your smartphone case bounce on a carseat during a long drive could charge your phone. So could a shirt flapping in the wind.

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Comment by PureTrust
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Technology is bubbling over. There is so much new, beneficial, technology that, very soon now, the Power Elite will not be able to contain it all. And when it finally comes rolling out to the public, the Power Elite will be dethroned.

No wonder they are preparing DHS for war with us.