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IPFS News Link • Voting and Elections

Hillary Clinton supporters launch website to urge 2016 White House bid

• The

Supporters of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton are laying the groundwork for a possible 2016 White House bid, officially launching a website Tuesday that features photos of the would-be candidate and plenty of praise.

The site — — belongs to the Ready for Hillary super PAC (political action committee) which aims to raise funds and rally enthusiasm for the former first lady should she decide to run in 2016.

“America is Ready for Hillary and we need your help to ensure that when she is ready to take up this challenge, we are on the ground ready to help her,” reads the site when viewers click on the difficult to miss “Contribute” tab.

In addition to photos of Clinton, who lost the Democratic nomination for president to Barack Obama in a hard-fought 2008 primary, the site includes an array of accolades — and not only from US political figures.

