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IPFS News Link • Entertainment: Movies

World War Z Asks Crucial Zombie Apocalypse Question: ‘Daddy, What’s Martial Law?’

 Then, shortly after one of his daughters adds to the zombie apocalypse FAQ by asking “Daddy, what’s martial law?” the massive zombie hoards come in. Tons of them. Crawling all over everything, tearing planes apart and stuff. Being all rabid and zombie-like (even if no one ever uses the nomenclature “zombie” or “living dead” anywhere in this video, which is a little odd).

The clip, which premiered Monday along with a new poster for the film (below) offers more hints about the whole “World War” part of the film: The U.S. government has lost the East Coast, Moscow is dark, and humanity has about 90 days to survive. Lane, being the hero, wants answers and thinks he can find them in Russia, if he can get in. He also thinks these “things” (again, “things” – not zombies) have a weakness and he might be able to stop them. If he doesn’t, of course, all of civilization is screwed. No pressure.