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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

The South still lies about the Civil War

•, By Tracy Thompson
 In the course of our conversation, Yacine Kout mentioned something else—an incident that had happened the previous spring at Eastern Randolph High School just outside Asheboro. On Cinco de Mayo, the annual celebration of Mexico’s defeat of French forces at the Battle of Puebla in 1862, a lot of Hispanic students brought Mexican flags to school. The next day, Kout said, white students brought Confederate flags to school as a message: This is our heritage.

The Civil War is like a mountain range that guards all roads into the South: you can’t go there without encountering it. Specifically, you can’t go there without addressing a question that may seem as if it shouldn’t even be a question—to wit: what caused the war? One hundred and fifty years after the event, Americans—at least the vast majority who toil outside academia—still can’t agree. Evidence of this crops up all the time, often in the form of a legal dispute over a display of the Confederate flag. (As I write, there are two such cases pending—one in Oregon and the other in Florida, making this an average news week.)

7 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Tenth Amendment - Reserved Powers

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

So, where is the place that says that the United States of America can secede? Where is the place that says that the States can't? Expats do it all the time.

Comment by TL Winslow
Entered on:

Duh, it's simple. The South seceded because of slavery, then whined that it was about states rights ever since. Actually, once a state petitions for statehood, is accepted, and joins the Union, it would have to petition Congress for permission to leave the Union, and get it to legally secede, but instead because they were a bunch of racist duck pluckers they just seceded and told what was left of the Congress to stuff it. No wonder Congress declared war, and wouldn't give up until it won.  Maybe the Southern reps could have made nuisances of themselves in Congress by petitioning for secession until they got what they wanted, but they jumped the gun, and lost it all. Whining about states rights is moose hockey, since the states RETAIN certain rights after joining the UNION, but lose their independence to the Union unless/until the Union accepts a petition for separation, kind of like a leg wanting to go its own way but having to get permission of the rest of the body first because they're living on a shared bloodstream :).

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Comment by TL Winslow
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Comment by TheRockster
Entered on:

The propaganda was about slavery, but the war was about money.

Comment by Dennis Treybil
Entered on:

 I read the article until I got to the point at which the following red herring was floated:

Was the Civil War about slavery or State's "rights". 

Aside:  The 10th amendment reserves powers to the States, not rights - how can a fictitious entity have rights?!

Back to the main point - the Civil War was about 3 things:

The power and the money

the money and the power, and

the power and the money.

That is what ALL wars are about.

Ken Burns in his noted PBS documentary said, "The combined effects of the tariffs and closing the west to slavery was like a bomb going off in the Southern economy."

Slaves were property and could be used as collateral in loans.  As the slave population grew through births and the frontier moved westward, there was a known somewhat steady supply and demand ratio.  With the prospect of the west being closed to slavery, that balance was upset.  The value of slaves could drop.  The banks could not wait to see what would happen.  Slaves were devalued or refused as collateral.  Something like a third to a fourth of Southerners owned slaves.  That is how many people had their credit curtailed.  Even the 2/3rd's to 3/4th's of those not owning slaves did business with those who did and were affected as well.

At the same time, the tariffs, which were inexplicably signed into law within a few days of Buchanaan (considered by many the WORST president ever) leaving office (reversing a reduced tariff rate he supported 3 years earlier) placed yet another burden on the South.

Does curtailed credit and increased taxes sound familiar to anyone?  I recall curtailed credit in 2008.  No matter what they say in the MSM, taxes are increased all the time.

Follow the money.  These policies were a major provocation.  Lincoln could have foregone the resupply of Fort Sumter if he were interested in peace at all.  But those who placed him in office wanted war.  They had positioned themselves to profit handsomely from the war and profit handsomely they did.

That is what caused the Civil War and every other war ever waged.

DC Treybil


Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

The Civil War was about slavery. The slavers won. Now, it isn't only the blacks who are the slaves, but rather, it is all Americans.

How do you keep slaves so that they don't run away? There are basically two ways. Either you place armed guards over them, or you give them so many benefits that they think that they are free, and remain in bondage voluntarily.

The latter method is the one that has been used over the general United States public. Who knows if it was used more, or if it was used less, before the Civil War? But after the Civil War, it simply wasn't practical - or maybe even doable - to maintain the general public as slaves under forced, armed guard.

The time is upon us that we are finding out about our slavery, and we are starting to resist and free ourselves. The time is here that there is no other choice for the slavers except to attempt to use force... even though they don't know for sure that it will work - Homeland Security force, that is.

As we transition from slavery by benefits to slavery by force, where are you going to be? What will your attitude be? Keep in mind that Hitler's forced slavery - the slavery of his own people that he used to keep his weapons being manufactured for the war - wasn't fun at all for the slaves.

What side will you be on when it comes down to it? Think about it, because it is upon us.

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

Really, I thought it was the government schools who lie that is was.