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15 Tech Geniuses Living Fabulous, Enviable Lives

•, Julie Bort
 Some people know how to live well.

They work hard. They play hard. They have fabulous adventures and pursue exotic dreams.

It's enough to make any normal human a little jealous.

It's also enough to make anyone think a little more about their own passions and dreams.

After all, if these folks can do it, why can't any of us push the boundaries of what we can achieve?

Charles River Ventures partner Bill Tai has combined his two favorite things in the world: funding startups and kiteboarding.

His MaiTai Kite Camp in Maui aims to teach entrepreneurs how to do the sport, which involves riding a contraption that combines a surfboard with a kite-like sail—through ocean waves.

Through the end of 2011, graduates of Tai's camp had generated $7 billion in wealth by going public or selling their companies, reports Kym McNicholas on Forbes.
