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IPFS News Link • Misinformation

The Jobless Numbers That The Government Gives Us Are So Fake

• The Economic Collapse Blog - Michale Snyder

It appears that the bureaucrats in Washington have gotten so lazy that they aren't even bothering to change the fake numbers that they are giving us.  Even though large companies are conducting mass layoffs all over America, week after week we are given laughable numbers that indicate that everything is just fine.  At this point, the charade has become such a farce that even CNBC has published an article about this…

Calling the state of the U.S. jobs market these days stable seems like an understatement considering the latest data coming out of the Labor Department.

That's because most of the past several weeks have shown that first-time claims for unemployment benefits haven't fluctuated at all — as in zero.

For five of the past six weeks, the level of initial jobless filings totaled exactly 212,000. Given a labor force that is 168 million strong, achieving such stasis seems at least unusual if not uncanny, yet that is what the figures released each Thursday morning since mid-March have shown.