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IPFS News Link • Transportation

TSA opt-out movement starts Monday

•, Teri Webster
 From Nov. 19 through Nov. 26, Jones is encouraging travelers to refuse to go through the radiation-laden body scanners. They should also film the invasive body pat-down that will likely ensue if they decide to opt-out.

The movement is designed to expose the practices of the TSA and help preserve basic human rights while traveling.

Some of the abuses of the TSA chronicled recent months include manhandling children, the elderly, severely ill and disabled passengers; stealing from passengers,testing drinks that travelers purchased inside airports and ordering travelers to freeze on command. gives the following reasons to participate in the opt-out movement:

*Protesting the increased cancer risks and possible DNA damages associated with backscatter body scanners.

*The TSA has no right to take, transmit and file X-ray photographs that reduce travelers to naked pieces of documentation.