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A New Bigfoot Video Is Racking Up Millions Of Views

•, Life's Little Mysteries
 A new video that seems to show a Bigfoot-like beast rearing up in a Utah brush patch is racking up millions of views on the web, but are there any compelling facts in the compelling footage?

Beard Card, the YouTube handle of the man who purportedly filmed the video while camping with his family, says he first hit "record" on his camera to document what he thought was a black bear hiding in the bushes. Indeed, the video's tranquil first half has an off-screen voice whispering, "Do you think it's a bear?"

But then the rustling black form in the bushes suddenly grows a few feet as it seems to stand to its full height, and the cameraman abandons his shot to make a desperate run to safety.

"We had actually been standing there for awhile. We had thought it was a bear up to that point, but when it stood up and looked at us, it was just a massive animal," Beard Card, who didn't want his real name made public, told Salt Lake City's Fox News 13.