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IPFS News Link • Republic for the united States of America

James Timothy Turner Indictment

1.) Conspiracy to Defraud the United States
2.) Fictitious Obligations
3-7.) Aiding and Abetting Fictitious Obligations
8.) Attempting to Interfere with Administration of Internal Revenue Laws
9.) Failure to File a Tax Return - Tax Year 2009
10.) False Testimony Under Oath in a Bankruptcy Proceeding
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2 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

I don't know anything about Turner at all. But the list of things he is being indicted for are the same kinds of things that people who work in the United States Government do to people who don't work in the United States Government.

Seems to me from the linked indictment paperwork, that the only difference between Turner's brand of the U.S. Government is that his is weaker... doesn't have as many people in it. It should prove interesting to see if he can find and use enough U.S. Law to turn the tables on them, or at least to force them to expose themselves.

The thing we need to remember about Government is, the one who is the strongest, be it in strength of words, or in principles, or in brute force, he is the government. We need to be very careful about how we oppose him until we know that we are stronger than he.

Comment by Storm Bradford
Entered on:

A known scammer FINALLY gets indicted. This type of scum that rips off unsuspecting individuals deserves a long jail sentence for putting others in harms way (going to prison).
