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IPFS News Link • Obama Administration

Here's What You Need To Know About The Anti-Obama Documentary That Has Already Made $26 Million

•, Walter Hickey
 It was one of the strangest $13 I've spent in my life.

(To be fair, it was 1:30 on a Monday afternoon, and the crowd — nine people — was comprised of older white people with the exception of a teenage couple who spent the movie making out in the back of the theater.)

The film is based on D'Souza's book, The Roots Of Obama's Rage, and most of the claims in both works have been dismissed and/or debunked by a variety of fact-checkers and news outlets. But that hasn't stopped the movie from grossing $26 million, making it one of the most successful documentaries of all time. D'Souza cites Michael Moore as an influence, and the production values are very slick, even with the cheap $9 million production cost.

 The narrative of the documentary is pretty disorganized and meandering, but basically, the idea D'Souza tries to present is that Barack Obama Senior, the Kenyan economist who fathered the president, was a radical anti-colonialist, a worldview that D'Souza characterizes as anti-American.